ICE 2019: Satellite Tracking, Orbits, and Modeling
Enrolment options
Presented: 2/7/2019
Presenters: Frances Dellutri and Lynne Zielinski
Attendees: Teachers from the US of students grade 8 - 12
Overview: Tracking Satellites, Orbits, and Monitoring
Participants will take away some online tools, NASA resources, and a working knowledge of orbits and orbital mechanics. Participants will learn how to model (2D and 3D) orbiting bodies that can be used to locate and track satellites visually and electronically in real-time. They will be able to apply data to understand the shapes, types, scale, and locations of satellite orbits. Participants will take away a greater depth of knowledge that can be applied to classroom physical sciences, Physics (Classical Mechanics), and Mathematics (Trigonometry and Euclid’s theories of proportions and ratios). Participants will take away that satellite tracking and orbits can be an exciting way to enrich or adapt curriculum to fit the needs of the student. Through the LEO Art Challenge activity participants will take away the knowledge gained in this session and apply it to a new art from to show how it can be used to communicate science topics.
- Manager: Bonnie Admin Thurber
- Manager: Lynne Zielinski
- Student: Jennifer Duffer